The Ghana Scandals Index

Indexing government scandals one at a time

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100g cocaine seized at Kpoglu border post missing

In what could become the latest tale of missing narcotics in the custody of the state, 100.1 grams of a whitish substance suspected to be cocaine cannot be accounted for by the Customs Division of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA).

Director-General of NACOC, Francis Torkornoo said his officers after impounding a vehicle that had concealed the substances under its fuel tank on Friday, June 2020, took inventory of all the packages, which included $200,000 and wanted to send it to Accra for investigations but Customs officers refused.

Mr Torkonoo indicated that the Narcotics officers had protested that the substances per the Narcotics Control Commission Act were to be left in the custody of narcotics officers whilst investigations were being done but the Customs officers ignored the advice and insisted they would keep the aforementioned items in their custody and later transport it to their headquarters in Accra.

“The verification exercise revealed that, parcel (h), a 100.10g of whitish substance wrapped in transparent polythene, suspected to be cocaine, was missing,” he recounted.

June 11, 2020
