The Ghana Scandals Index

Indexing government scandals one at a time

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105,927 liters of fuel disappears at TOR

The Interim Management Committee of the Tema Oil Refinery (TOR) says it has interdicted some staff for their involvement in the alleged theft of ¢10.4 million worth of cables. Describing it as unacceptable product losses, TOR said the thievery was discovered as a result a Technical and Human Resource audits.

The investigations by the interim management committee revealed a number of incidents related to product storage and transfer losses, including but not limited to the disappearance of 105,927 litres of gas oil on 4th September 2021, which belongs to a BDC client.

There is also the disappearance of 18 drums of electrical cables worth GHS 10.4 million from the Technical Storehouse of TOR, discovered in April 2021.

Oct. 5, 2021
