The Ghana Scandals Index

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$140,000 was used to fly Adwoa Safo for E-levy vote

Member of Parliament (MP) for North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, has alleged that the cost of private jet hired to fly home Dome Kwabenya MP Sarah Adwoa Safo to partake in the controversial E-levy vote was $140,000.

This comment by the lawmaker is in line with the allegations leveled against Member of Parliament for Dome Kwabenya, Adwoa Safo by his colleague MP Kennedy Ohene Agyapong. The Assin Central MP Kennedy claims he was given GHS¢120,000 by the Chief of Staff to be given to Dome-Kwabenya’s Sarah Adwoa Safo to entice her to fly to Ghana to join parliamentary sittings.

Kennedy Agyapong also alleged that Adwoa Safo was flown into Ghana on a private jet through an arrangement fronted by the Chief of Staff.

Mr Ablakwa wants the Office of Special Prosecutor to look into the entire GHS1,068,500.00 expenditure for Adwoa Safo's e-levy vote and not only the 120,000.00 deposited in her account.

March 1, 2022
