The Ghana Scandals Index

Indexing government scandals one at a time

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2-bedroom residence renovated with Ghc1m

The Director General of the Ghana Maritime Authority, Kwame Owusu, has defended the renovation of his 2-bedroom official Cantonments residence at the cost of GHc 1 million, despite concerns the amount is too high and smacks of corruption.

Mr. Owusu also has personal ties with the one who got the contract for the renovation, and he sees nothing wrong with that.

He said due process was followed in awarding his “friend” the contract. “Tender process went through administration. The bill of quantities was done… so the Director-General could not have influenced the outcome and given it to my friend and said increase the money so that when they do it, I can have your so-called chop chop.”

Nov. 1, 2018
