The Ghana Scandals Index

Indexing government scandals one at a time

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853,000 Maths sets procured at Gh¢75 each not delivered on time

Ministers-Designate Dr. Mathew Opoku Prempeh and Dr Emmanuel Adutwum clashed over a vetting question as to who authorized the sole-sourced procurement of more than 853,000 pieces of mathematical sets at Gh¢75 per one and why it had not been fully delivered when it was tagged “urgent” at the time it was being procured. The sole-sourced mathematical sets also enjoyed a tax waiver of $3.6million from the government of Ghana.

Bluegrass Limited, the mathematical sets contractor failed to deliver within the agreed time. Throughout the 2020 WASSCE, no student received the “math sets” from the government.

The Institute for Education Studies (IFEST) for example questioned why the mathematical sets which were sole-sourced at a “high price” were never delivered on time for the very purpose it was tagged as “urgent”. They criticized the validity of the sole sourcing procedure adopted and the 75 Ghana cedis cost.

Feb. 15, 2021
