The Ghana Scandals Index

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Agric ministry hastily procures ineffective chemicals to fight army worms

The Ministry of Food and Agriculture has hastily procured chemicals costing Ghs9 million under sole-sourcing which are ineffective as far as the fight against the dangerous army worms is concerned.

The legality of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture’s decision to purchase GHc9 million worth of chemicals to combat armyworms on a sole-source basis, allegedly without the Public Procurement Authority’s approval, was questioned on the floor of Parliament.

Responding to questions on the matter, a Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Sagre Bambangi, disclosed that the Ministry only roped in the Public Procurement Authority after the GHc 9 million arrangements for the insecticides had been made.

One of the chemicals called, Dursban, is used to kill termites and other wood eating bugs, insects not armyworms. This according to insiders, is not helping the fight against the Armyworms invasion, because the wrong agro chemicals are being applied by the National Taskforce.

July 17, 2017
