The Ghana Scandals Index

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Akufo-Addo approves salaries for Rebecca, Samira

The Emoluments Committee set up by President Akufo-Addo has recommended that spouses of Heads of States and their Vices be put on salaries. And as part of the novelty, the Committee recommends that the First Lady Rebecca Akufo Addo and Second Lady Samira Bawumia be put on the same pay grade as Cabinet Ministers.

The Committee headed by Professor Yaa Ntiamoah-Baidu justified their decision to hand over taxpayers money to wives of the President and his Vice, saying the John President Kufuor had introduced the extension of courtesies, including the payment of monthly allowances to spouses of former Heads of States/Presidents/Vice Presidents and that the gesture remained purely humanitarian and that First and Second Ladies were “evidently struggling to subsist” hence they must be rated on equal terms as cabinet ministers.

July 3, 2021
