The Ghana Scandals Index

Indexing government scandals one at a time

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Akufo-Addo using soldiers to stop Ewes, non-Akans from registering

Videos circulating on social media show a number of military personnel questioning registrants at registration centres while preventing many from registering. One such affected community is the Banda District of the Bono Region.

The Adontenhene of Bongase Community in the Banda District, Nana Issah Yakubu has criticised the deployment of military personnel into the community.

The soldiers, according to him, are intimidating residents participating in the ongoing voter registration exercise. “Since the commencement of the voter registration exercise, soldiers have taken over our town. Some of them have canes with them. The soldiers are intimidating young people here,” the Adontenhene said.

July 31, 2020
