The Ghana Scandals Index

Indexing government scandals one at a time

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Akufo-Addo's cousin at Noguchi cited for conflict of interest in Frontiers Healthcare contract

The Covid-19 Corruption Risk Assessment Report 2021 has cited Head of Virology at Noguchi Medical Research Institute, Prof. William Ampofo for conflict of interest in the controversial Frontiers Healthcare Services contract.

According to the report, Prof. Ampofo who is cousin to President Akufo-Addo and Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta, supervised the validation of Frontiers Healthcare Services to commence its operations in Ghana even before the company could get approval.

The Corruption Risk Assessment Report said that his involvement as local agent was with no obvious value to the performance of the contract.

The 67-page report by the Community Development Alliance said that the company appears to have been hurriedly incorporated to take charge of Covid-19 testing at Kotoka International Airport (K.I.A) as it has no record of ever providing such services, did not have the requisite personnel and had not been licensed by the regulator, HeFRA.

April 21, 2021
