The Ghana Scandals Index

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Akufo-Addo’s Minister caught in conflict of interest

JoyNews’ investigations have revealed how a company linked to the Deputy Sanitation Minister, Amidu Issahaku Chinnia, and registered in the names of his brother, cousin, and personal driver won government contracts at the Upper West Regional Coordinating Council during his tenure as Deputy Regional Minister.

The Batuowiisi Company Limited was set up in 2017 barely a month after his appointment and in the same year won a 2.6 million cedi Planting for Food and Jobs contract. They were again awarded a 12.6-million-cedi road contract in 2019 by the Upper West Regional Coordinating Council.

Documents sighted by JoyNews show that on 22nd July 2019, Batuowiisi Company Limited was awarded a contract by the Upper West Regional Coordinating Council to rehabilitate a 5.7-kilometer selected town roads in Tumu. The contract sum was over 12 million cedis.

The Batuowiisi Company Limited was supposed to have gone to the site on 22nd November 2019, the firm issued its notice to commence work on the same day for commencement on 5th December 2019 and complete the road projects on 4th June 2021.

June 27, 2022
