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Amewu admits return of dumsor

Energy Minister, John Peter Amewu has admitted that the country is currently faced with challenges in the power sector. John Peter Amewu, who had earlier debunked assertions that Ghana is returning to the era of erratic power supply, popularly known as ‘dumsor’, has retreated with an explanation that the situation now is not as bad as what Ghanaians experienced under the NDC for nearly three years.

Most parts of Accra and Kumasi have over the past few weeks, suffered frequent power outages, sparking concerns of a possible return to the days of “dumsor,” where power was rationed in the country, killing businesses and causing many to lose their jobs.

But the Minister for Energy, John Peter Amewu in an earlier Citi News interview suggested that there were challenges of supplying gas to some of the country’s installed power plants particularly the Karpower plant at Tema in Accra.

Nov. 26, 2018
