The Ghana Scandals Index

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Auditor General reveals violations in use of Covid 19 funds

The Auditor-General has disclosed that the government spent ¢10 billion of monies mobilised for Covid-19 activities on budget support.

According to the A-G, a total of ¢21,844,189,185.24 was mobilised for the fight against the pandemic. However, out of this amount, only ¢11,750,683,059.11 was spent on curbing the spread of the virus. The A-G said the rest, per its records, was used for budget support. “Out of ¢21,844,189,185.24 mobilised, ¢11,750,683,059.11 was spent on Covid-19 activities and the rest on budget support.

“On Covid-19 activities, we noted that ¢8,658,496,124.96 was spent in 2020, ¢3,084,311,725.45 in 2021, and ¢7,875,208.70 in 2022 to mitigate the impact of coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic in Ghana,” excerpt of the report said.

In the same report, the Auditor-General reported that $80m worth of vaccines paid for by government has not been delivered. According to the A-G, government paid over $120m to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and African Vaccine Acquisition Trust (AVAT) but only $38m worth was delivered.

Jan. 23, 2023
