The Ghana Scandals Index

Indexing government scandals one at a time

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Board Chairman and CEO of GNPC fight over procurement at GNPC

The Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana National Petroleum Authority (GNPC) Dr. K.K Sarpong has accused the board chair of the firm Freddie Blay of undermining his authority.

In a statement addressed to the Energy minister and Mr. Blay himself, Dr. Sarpong urged Mr. Blay to desist from engaging his subordinates without his knowledge.

“It is clear to me that, you are using your position as chairman of the ruling party to force your way through on matters which must be handled professionally."

“Some of your directive to my immediate subordinates pertaining to award of contracts and engagement of personnel as in the instant case, have been a source of concern to me especially to the extent that laid down procedures are circumvent. These also go to undermine my legitimate authority as chief executive. " he added

Feb. 16, 2019
