The Ghana Scandals Index

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CEO of Zongo Development Fund fingered in ¢5m procurement breach

A Corruption Watch investigation has uncovered that the Zongo Development Fund (ZoDF) has engaged in alleged procurement malpractices in the purchase of goods, services and works worth ¢5 million.

The management of ZoDF allegedly superintended procurement breaches such as inflation of contract figures and breaching of entity head’s threshold. Corruption Watch established that ¢200,000 of the ¢5 million was spent on a contract for Covid-19 PPEs.

In addition, ZoDF was alleged to have spent more than ¢4.8 million to procure office cabinets and ICT equipment and accessories; recruit contractors for the installation of streetlights and drilling of mechanized boreholes; and the engagement of consultants for various services.

Chief Executive Officer of the Fund, Arafat Sulemana Abdulai conceded in an interview with Corruption Watch that he “went beyond” his threshold in the approval of the ¢200,000 contract for Covid-19 PPEs. Sulemana Abdulai, as the “head of entity” of ZoDF, per the Public Procurement Amendment Act, 2016 (Act 914) is permitted to approve procurements that are worth ¢100,000 and below.

Aug. 12, 2020
