The Ghana Scandals Index

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Dep. Northern Regional Minister ordered to repay Ghs1.5m siphoned cash

The Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) has ordered a former General Manager of the Produce Buying Company (PBC) to retrieve some GHC 1.5m taken from the company’s coffers in 2018.

Mr John Benam Jabaah, now a Deputy Northern Regional Minister, cashed the money into his personal account for the purchase of shea nuts. The shea nuts have not been delivered from the source in Burkina Faso, forcing a journalist, Nana Kwadwo Jantuah, to petition CHRAJ.

In a response signed by the Ashanti Regional Director of CCHRAJ, Mrs Cynthia Martinson, the two-page document indicated that Mr Jabaah should ensure the money was returned. “Please take notice that you have already admitted that the Cheque, as well as the requisition, was made in your name. We, therefore, advised that you take appropriate steps to retrieve the said money from the supplies to forestall loss of money to Produce Buying Company (PBC),” the document stated.

July 7, 2020
