The Ghana Scandals Index

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Education Minister fingered in $1.2 million ‘phantom’ training scandal

The Education Minister, Dr Yaw Osei Adutwum has been fingered in an alleged phantom training scheme of teachers costing $1.2 million from the World Bank.

According to correspondences from his office and the Ghana Education Service (GES), the Director-General of the GES, Prof Kwasi Opoku Amamkwa appears unaware of the training of over 40,000 teachers on the digital literacy platform under the Ghana Accountability for Learning Outcomes Project (GALOP).

The World Bank as part of its investigations to establish the training of the teachers as claimed by the Education Ministry officially wrote to the Director-General of GES to confirm the said training. But a letter signed by Prof Opoku Amankwa observed that he is “unaware that any such training has taken place.”

The letter also added that “GES is unaware of reports and correspondence between the Education Ministry and the World Bank and is unable to make an informed response to the Banks request”.

May 25, 2022
