The Ghana Scandals Index

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GES orders headteachers to line pupils on street to welcome Akufo-Addo

The District Chief Executive of Asuogyaman in a letter addressed to the District Director of education asked the headteachers of the schools to release some students to line up along the principal route and welcome the president and his entourage at 12:00 pm Thursday.

The District Director, Mavis Yirenkyi in response has ordered the release of both junior high school and senior high school students by the headmasters on the said date to welcome the president with the help of their teachers.

According to the letter communicating the directive, President Nana Akufo-Addo will be in the District to engage stakeholders on “the development agenda of the country and also commission a one district one factory [project].”

The notice, dated November 20 and signed by District Education Director, Mavis Yirenkyi, directed teachers in some 11 basic schools and a senior high school within the district to accompany their pupils for the exercise.

Nov. 21, 2018
