The Ghana Scandals Index

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Ghana buys overpriced Sputnik V vaccines through middlemen

Ghana is said to have bought overpriced Sputnik V vaccines from the Russian Investment Fund through some businessmen, the Norwegian tabloid Verdens Gang has alleged.

The deal was allegedly ratified by Ghana’s Ministry of Health to acquire 3.4 million doses of the Sputnik V vaccines which is sold on the international market for $10 per dose but was sold to Ghana for $19 per dose by the two businessmen. A move the World Health Organization(WHO) has described as a ‘catastrophic moral failure’.

In an interview with the Verdens Gang reporter who worked on the story, Markus Tobiassen told Emmanuel Samani on TV3 Midday Live the deal has the potential of enriching a few people at the expense of the Ghanaian public.

 “Well, we don’t know the details, it certainly would seem so, considering the vaccines are sold at such a high mark. The individuals involved in the sale have refused to disclose the specifics on how much they are making from this but we have been able to confirm that it’s been sold at a higher mark than what the Russians are selling the vaccines following directives”, he disclosed.

June 9, 2021
