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Ghana records worst press freedom ranking in 17 years

Ghana’s celebrated press freedom status has deteriorated, pushing the country down on the ladder of the league of countries with the freest media in the world.

According to the 2022 Press Freedom Index by Reporters Without Borders, Ghana fell from its 30th position in the global ranking in 2021 to 60th in 2022. In Africa, the country nosedived from 3rd to 10th. This is Ghana’s worst performance in 17 years when it placed 66th in 2005.

The Reporters Without Borders (RSF) World Press Freedom Index measures pluralism, media independence, the robustness of legislative frameworks and the safety of journalists in 180 countries and five regions.

The 2022 press freedom Index would not come as a surprise to many media watchers, who have expressed concerns over attacks and violations against journalists and media houses perceived to be aligned with the opposition. The slump makes Burkina Faso, a country governed by a military regime, better than Ghana in terms of press freedom.

May 3, 2022
