The Ghana Scandals Index

Indexing government scandals one at a time

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Ghana slapped with $170mn judgement debt over wrongful termination of power contract

A United Kingdom Court says it is too late for Ghana to appeal against a US $164 million judgment debt awarded against it for wrongfully terminating the contract of an independent power producer, Ghana Power Generation Company (GPGC) Limited.

The contract was initially worth US$ 24.9 million per annum over the contract period of four years, making US$99.6 million.

The government failed to apply and set aside the January 26, 2021 decision of the London-based United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Tribunal.

Rather, it turned up at a London Commercial Court with two excuses as impediments–the country’s 2020 presidential and parliamentary elections and that some key officials in the Attorney General’s Office contracted COVID-19.

June 23, 2021
