The Ghana Scandals Index

Indexing government scandals one at a time

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Gov’t appoints Director for non-existent Keta sea port

President Akufo-Addo has been criticized for appointing Dr Alexander Y. Adusei Jr as the Director of the non-existent Keta Port. The appointment is unnecessary and a willful rape on the country’s meagre resources many have said.

Keta MP Richard Quarshigah is bewildered and called the appointment “baffling” and “preposterous.” “It can be likened to Ghana Education Service posting a head teacher to a community where indeed there is no school, no teachers and for that matter no students or pupils,” he said in a press statement.

An appointment letter dated March 19, 2019 and signed by the Transport Minister Kwaku Ofori Asiama congratulated Dr. Alexander Adusei, a Ohio State University trained lawyer who was also a chairman of the NPP Columbus Ohio branch in the US.

March 29, 2019
