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Link Between ‘GETFUND Beneficiary 76’ And Finance Minister Established

A relative of the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta, has been identified as a beneficiary of scholarships meant for needy but brilliant students.

For starters, Nana Obrempongmaa Ofori-Atta is not the daughter of the Finance Minister, as circulated on social media. She is the daughter of Ken Ofori-Atta’s cousin, a family source has told

GETFUND listed Obrempongmaa among 86 politically connected persons who got scholarships and sponsorships to study abroad at the taxpayer’s expense. GETFUND spent $4.7million to educate these privileged Ghanaians, the Auditor-General’s report said after auditing the GETFUND secretariat which disbursed the scholarships haphazardly.’

With Nana Obrempongmaa Ofori-Atta, she got admission into Georgetown University in the US studying for her first degree.

Feb. 27, 2020
