The Ghana Scandals Index

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Mac Manu fingered in $1.5 billion MPS deal

Board Chairman of the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA), Peter Mac Manu, is facing allegations of conflict of interest and outright bias in the scandalous $1.5 billion concession agreement with Meridian Port Services (MPS).

According to the workers of GPHA, the board chairman by virtue of accepting to serve on the MPS board has compromised his position, cannot negotiate a better deal.

”The hands of Mac Manu are already soiled! He can never be the one to lead the process of appraising the contract hence the need for him to purge himself. Mr Mac Manu can’t be the suppose arbiter whiles serving on the two boards.

”It is simply illogical, it is never done anywhere,” an analyst who prefers to be anonymous said.

May 31, 2019
