The Ghana Scandals Index

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Mandatory fee for vehicle towing is rubbish

Road Transport Consultant, Cecil Garbrah has described as “rubbish”, the decision by the National Road Safety Commission (NRSC) to make vehicle owners pay a mandatory yearly towing fee.

Effective July 1, 2017, vehicle owners and motorcyclists will pay compulsory annual fees, tied to the acquisition of road worthy certificate, to cater for towing services. Fees per year for both commercial and non-commercial vehicles, depending on tonnage, range from Ȼ20 to Ȼ 200. The NRSC is introducing the service in order to rid the country’s roads of abandoned broken down vehicles which cause accidents.

There is already a chorus of disapproval among the travelling public, particularly commercial drivers, over the scheduled implementation of the new regulation.

June 14, 2017
