The Ghana Scandals Index

Indexing government scandals one at a time

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"As A Minister, An Intern Has No Right To Call Me"- Sanitation Minister

Sanitation minister Cecilia Dapaah has told off a Multimedia intern, emphasising, her request for an interview is disrespectful because she is an intern.

‘Who gave you the permission to call me to speak to me directly like that?’ she sternly told Rahinatu Abdul Bach who is also a student of the Ghana Institute of Journalism.

‘You don’t respect…please go off’ she spoke in Twi before dropping the line. The intern wanted to get the ministry’s reaction to reports, persons caught littering are ordered to pick up the litter or sweep streets.

“You don’t let an intern call a minister, an elderly person like me? Please respect the office even if you don’t respect me as a human being”

July 22, 2019
