The Ghana Scandals Index

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Minority demands Energy Minister answers for unaccounted Ghs20m used in street lights project

The Minority in Parliament is demanding the whereabouts of some ₵20 million meant for the fixing of streetlights between 2018 and 2019 with claims that the Energy Ministry has not been able to account for it.

Ranking member on the roads and transport committee of Parliament Kwame Agbodza Governs has stated that the said amount needs to be accounted for as the public which pays these levies to expect streetlights. According to him, there are street lights deficits yet monies are still being paid in that regard.

John Peter Amewu, Energy Minister, has said although over ¢273 million was collected for the Public Lighting Levy between 2018 and 2019, ¢83 million was transferred to the Ministry of Energy but not all the funds were utilised.

“Whilst a total amount of ¢83,235,728.49 was transferred to the Ministry of Energy, a total amount of ¢64,462,596.56 was utilised by the Ministry of Energy.”

Aug. 6, 2020
