The Ghana Scandals Index

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Nat’l Security raids media house; arrests journalists & seizes equipment

The offices of the online news portal,, in Accra have reportedly been raided by persons suspected to be from the National Security who took away working equipment, arrested three editors and locked the office up.

“Nobody has any idea where they have been taken to and that’s scary,” Editor-In-Chief William Nana Beeko told some newsmen when they approached him with the news. According to him, their portal carried a story on the National Security Minister, Albert Kan Dapaah. They were later instructed to pull it down, to which they obliged.

One of the editors Emmanuel Ajafor Abugri on release said he was physically assaulted and his privacy violated by the forceful seizure of some of his electronic gadgets. He also said the personnel tried to beat out a false confession from him concerning the authorship of a controversial article published on the website.

June 28, 2019
