The Ghana Scandals Index

Indexing government scandals one at a time

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Over 200 instances of pre-mix fuel diversions recorded in 2017

There have been at least 200 cases of premix fuel diversions in the country since January 2017 costing the nation over 22 million cedis in the regulation of the petroleum sector. The phenomenon which was rife in 2005 appear to rear its ugly head with the change in government.

The National Petroleum Authority (NPA), only appears to be issuing series of letters to the National Pre-mix committee, urging them to look into the matter, and ensure sanity in the distribution of the product, instead of cracking the whip on the offenders.

“Information from the Authority’s BRV Tracking System and Returns submitted by Oil Marketing Companies for May 2017, shows that in certain instances, premix fuel loaded from the Tema Oil Refinery (TOR), were not delivered to its intended destinations as indicated on the invoices and Return of the OMCs,” one of the letters from the NPA said.

Nov. 27, 2017
