The Ghana Scandals Index

Indexing government scandals one at a time

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Over 600,000 litres of BOST’s contaminated fuel disappears

The Bulk Oil Storage and Transportation (BOST) is in the news again, this time over the disappearance of about 600,000 litres of its contaminated fuel. A five-member committee set up by the current Managing Director of BOST, George Mensah Oakley to take stock of five million litres of the off-spec product noticed the disappearance.

The committee chaired by the CEO of the Chamber for Bulk Oil Distributors, Senyo Hosi said after enquiring about the disappearance of the fuel at Zup Oil, his team was told that the off-spec product had “evaporated.”

“We are told that about some 671,000 litres may have evaporated which seems to be abnormal for petroleum as far as storage of goods in BOST is concerned. It was supposed to be at the possession of the BOST depot managers. And it’s been explained for now that it may have evaporated which does not add up,” he said in an interview on Eyewitness News on Friday.

Sept. 14, 2018
