The Ghana Scandals Index

Indexing government scandals one at a time

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Police Dismisses 3,000 ‘NDC Recruits’

The Police Service has reportedly dismissed some 3,000 new recruits for failure to meet the basic qualification standards of the service. The recruitment was made under the former NDC government, and under the leadership of former IGP John Kudalor.

The sacked recruits are said to be supporters and sympathisers of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) who were recruited into the service at the last days of the erstwhile Mahama administration.

But the National Security Minister speaking on Adom FM’s Morning Show, ‘Dwaso Nsem’ on endorsed the action arguing that it was done in line with law.

“If you didn’t enter into the service the right way, it is proper for you to be dismissed and I don’t see anything wrong with it…there were rules and if they failed to meet the criteria, then the law must be made to work by asking them to be withdrawn,” he said.

Feb. 5, 2017
