The Ghana Scandals Index

Indexing government scandals one at a time

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Presidency, GRA, national security in GHC1.88bn petroleum revenue loss

The government has lost GHC1.88bn in petroleum revenue leakages through nefarious actors within the Ghana Revenue Authority, the presidency and national security, the Ghana Chamber of Bulk Oil Distributors has said.

The revenue losses contained in a report authored by the Ghana Chamber of Bulk Oil Distributors is littered with lamentations about unabated smuggling, export dumping and under-declaring of receipts.

“There are times that vessels have been arrested trying to smuggle things in and when efforts have been made to arrest them you have people from the Presidency call people out there. If government wants to deal with this issue, it will deal with it. We’ve made a very clear recommendation that this needs a public inquiry, the interests in it are heavy. I think we need a public inquiry into it, we just don’t need that we also need a forensic audit at least for starters we need to deal with the ESLA 900 million we’ve not accounted for it in the last two years and that’s very significant.”

May 29, 2018
