The Ghana Scandals Index

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Presidency photoshops Kenyan building on Ghana Beyond Aid document

A document put together by a committee headed by a senior minister in Ghana depicted high rise buildings over green landscape and one of the buildings turned out to be headquarters of Dawit Insurance in Nairobi.

The image was on the cover of Ghana Beyond Aid Charter was launched during the May celebration by Ghanian President Nana Akufo-Addo.

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) Member of Parliament for Kumbungu Ras Mubarak described the use of an image of Kenyan skyline as embarrassing.

The MP said, “As if the issue of the President plagiarizing people’s speeches wasn’t bad enough, they have once again photoshopped a skyline from Nairobi and that’s what you see when you open the Ghana Beyond Aid document.”

May 30, 2019
