The Ghana Scandals Index

Indexing government scandals one at a time

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Red flags over Sinohydro deal

The Minority in Parliament has stated that the cost components of the Sinohydro deal by the government was, "over bloated" and has, therefore, called for a reduction in the cost. It said the cost for components like the project office, photographs, client services, among others, were "outrageous" and a "rip off."

Some of the components the Minority wanted reduced included a US$700,000 client service on the Ofoase project which involves over US$600,000 for the preparation of the project site. Also about US$30,000 had been earmarked for progress photographs on the project.

According to the Ranking Member of the Roads and Transport Committee, Kwame Agbodza, a 2-layer road in 2016 cost the Ghanaian taxpayer just GHS1 million but the same length of road has been pegged at GHS 5 million under the contract.

Dec. 11, 2018
