The Ghana Scandals Index

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Sanitation Minister justifies threats against TV3 journalist

Sanitation minister, Kofi Adda has justified death threats against TV3/3FM journalist, Kwakye Afreh-Nuamah, accusing him of being bribed to run him down. An NPP activist, Hajia Boya called up Afreh-Nuamah on phone, asking him to desist from openly criticizing the Navrongo Central MP.

In the over three minutes phone conversation, Hajia Boya threatened among others that, “If you dare criticize Kofi Adda again, I will teach you a bitter lesson. I will make sure you are bedridden. I will make sure you are crippled for life. "

Commenting on the situation for the very first time, on 3FM’s Sunrise morning show, Mr Adda said, “Nuamah should also be above board in doing his professional work and I have no reason now to believe otherwise that perhaps he is being paid by someone to do that against me….He has never said anything positive about what the ministry has done. He has never, for once investigated the ministry to see what we have done.”

The development has been condemned by many including the Media Foundation for West Africa (MWFA) which has called for swift investigations into the matter. The police is also looking into the issue.

Feb. 20, 2018
