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SDI Minister, Hawa Koomson admits firing gun at voters’ registration centre

Member of Parliament for the Awutu Senya East Constituency Hawa Koomson has admitted to firing a gun at a voters’ registration centre in the constituency.

According to the Special Development Initiatives Minister, she took the firearm – which she refused to identify – to the registration centre to protect herself.

‘None of my men had guns on then when we got to the centre. I fired the shots myself,’ she said on Adom News.

Officials of the Electoral Commission were forced to close down the Step to Christ registration center in the Awutu Senya East constituency after gun-wielding men stormed the premises.

Eyewitnesses say, the men numbering at least 15 arrived at the centre around 8 am and tried to sack some prospective voters.

July 20, 2020
