The Ghana Scandals Index

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SHS to run double-track system amid concerns

The government has adopted the double-track (semester/sandwich) system to increase enrollment under its flagship programme, the Free Senior High School.

This was revealed by Dr Mathew Opoku Prempeh, the Minister of Education at a sensitization programme organized for Metro/Municipal/District Directors of Education, Heads of Senior High School and Public Relation Officers of the Education Sector.

Meanwhile, the National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) wants the government to proceed with caution by consulting stakeholders in education.

NAGRAT President, Angel Carbonu, said “In the document that I saw, this policy is supposed to last for only five years because within the next five years, what we are hearing from the corridors of power is that government would have then built infrastructure to accommodate all the two streams. When that happens, what would you do with those teachers? We need to sit down and discuss this situation thoroughly as a nation. Let us not rush into something that will spite our faces over time,”

July 22, 2018
