The Ghana Scandals Index

Indexing government scandals one at a time

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State vehicles sold to judges in unapproved auction despite Akufo-Addo’s 2017 ban

The Auditor-General has indicted the Judicial Service for an unapproved auction of vehicles to judges and has ordered the retrieval of the 19 vehicles.

The list of beneficiaries of the auctioned vehicles includes judges of the lower courts, judicial service staff and three retired Supreme Court judges who bought six out of the 19 vehicles.

The Judges and Magistrates Association had defended the acquisition, saying it is a convention that goes as far back as the Kufuor administration. The Auditor-General says the transaction is at odds with the Public Management Regulations 2019 which requires that any auction by a public entity must have the approval of the Minister of Finance.

The findings are contained in the 2021 Auditor-General’s report, which covered ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs).

Aug. 30, 2022
