The Ghana Scandals Index

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Sunyani High Court slaps Deputy Minister with contempt

A SUNYANI High Court has fined a Deputy Minister of Monitoring and Evaluation, Mr Williams Kwasi Sabi, GH¢7,000 for contempt, in default of which he will serve a 30-day prison term.

On February 10, 2014, the court granted an interlocutory injunction restraining Mr Sabi and his privies, agents and assigns from clearing, preparing and or developing or dealing with a disputed piece of land pending the final determination of a suit.

The Deputy Minister who was dragged to the High Court by the Benkum Family from Wanfie for forcibly taking over their land and developing it, was fined GH¢7000 for violating the court order and going ahead to develop the land.

June 10, 2017
