The Ghana Scandals Index

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TOR boss accused of paying $2.5m in bribes to govt officials, MPs

The US Securities and Exchange Commission has charged Tema Oil Refinery boss Asante Berko for “orchestrating a bribery scheme” and arranging at least $2.5 million in bribes to be paid to Ghana government officials to gain approval for a client’s power plant project.

The accusations are in relation to Mr Berko's time and role as a former banker at a subsidiary of a U.S. bank. The court documents stressed Berko was paid $2 million for “facilitating the bribery scheme”.

The Securities and Exchange Commission said Asante Berko also arranged the bribes for a Turkish energy company to funnel the money to a Ghana-based intermediary.

Asante Berko is alleged to have arranged for the Energy Company to funnel between $3 million to $4.5 million to a Ghana-based intermediary company “to bribe various government officials responsible for approving the Power Plant Project”.

April 14, 2020
